Oasis Elderly Daycare
Registered with Department of Social Development for Elderly Care

Onsite Registered Nurse
- Daily health and Covid screening
- Weekly health checks (blood pressure, weight, etc.)
- Monitor taking of medication, prescribed by their practitioner
- All caregivers are trained in dealing with emergency situations
Assistance with Activities of Daily Living
- Bathing
- Grooming
- Toileting
- Incontinence

Daily exercise routines
Supervised to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, build strength and improve balance.
Dementia/Alzheimer experienced RN supervising services

Active Aging
A safe, supervised and controlled environment for:
- Companionship and social interactions to alleviate loneliness
- Physical and mental stimulation in the presence of peers
- Daily focused recreational activities (movies, looming, adult colouring, board games, etc.)
- Opportunity to continue life-long hobbies and interests (e.g. gardening, knitting, etc.)
- Reading corners available indoor and outdoor (weather permitting)
- Carers are present to read for visually impaired clients
- Dining area for daily tasty catered lunches, plus morning and afternoon tea
- Secluded shaded garden nooks available for rest and meditation
- Shaded patio area available for relaxing and socialising
Additional services
Provided by special arrangement
Coaching of family member/caregiver to perform safe:
- Activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, grooming, etc.)
- Toileting - maintaining privacy and dignity for incontinence
- Transferring and positioning - to prevent posture problems and bedsores
ADDITIONAL CARE SERVICES AVAILABLE – with prior arrangement at client cost:
- Outsourced Services
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Social Worker
- Podiatrist
- Monthly Chronic Medication Script collection
- Hair & Beauty treatments
- Regular Blood Glucose monitoring
- Advanced Wound Care
- Ambulance transfers (Gardmed)
- Accompanied follow-up visits to GP, Laboratory, X-Ray (non-invasive).